Regroup, Reorganize, Recharge
Educators have less summer than everyone else in education-if they get a summer at all. That makes time management and prioritization imperative. You simply won’t be able to do everything you want to...
View ArticleWhy Plan?
Obtaining a postsecondary education has become a major goal for most high school students and a nonnegotiable requirement for success in many career pathways. How, then, can educators successfully...
View ArticleWhat Your Classroom’s Desks Say About You
In preparing for a new school year, one of the first thing teachers think about is how they are going to arrange the students’ desks. Depending on the arrangement, the teacher’s life can be made much...
View ArticleThe Next Buzzwords You Need to Know Now
Education is a business of buzzwords. It’s the only way to boil down complicated theories, pedagogies, and trends into concepts that can be conversed about without a PowerPoint. To make matters worse,...
View ArticleOutside-the-Box Bulletin Board Ideas
At the beginning of the year, teachers can spend a lot of time thinking about what to put on their bulletin boards. Rules and guidelines are always popular. For elementary teachers, something that has...
View ArticleBack to School Tech Toys & Supplies
As classrooms become increasingly arranged around technology, there are a lot of gadgets and toys that can make your life less stressful during the school year. It’s a lot easier to find these toys now...
View ArticleMedia Multitasking and the Student Brain
We cannot solve our current problems by engaging in the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. — Albert Einstein Life in the twenty-first century is complex for all of us. For our students...
View ArticleBack to School Means Backpack Awareness
School is back in session and the backpacks are in full force! Remember that the 3rd Wednesday in September of each year is designated Backpack Awareness Day so this year it falls on September 16,...
View ArticleHow to Introduce Technology to your Classroom
You have read about Smartboards and iPads in the classroom in journals. You might have even talked with colleagues that are using technology in the classroom at every turn. You feel the pressure to...
View Article4 Ways to Incorporate Social Causes into the Classroom
Being an educator means more than simply teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. Teachers are also called to help their students become good citizens and stewards of the world. One of the best ways...
View Article“Best Practices in Education” Conference
Over 100 educators gathered on the campus of Banjul American Embassy School in the “Smiling Coast” to attend workshops, share ideas and focus on inquiry-based education. Thanks to a self-help grant...
View ArticleLearning Through Game Play
Experts in childhood development are concerned about the lack of play options in today’s kids’ lives. In response to the No Child Left Behind Act, many school districts restructured their curricula to...
View ArticleHow to Get Additional Funding for Classroom Technology
Between the United States’ government’s push to ensure that our students keep up with the 21st century’s technological advances and demands to stay competitive and the differentiated learning that...
View ArticleA Message from School Specialty’s Chief Executive Officer
At School Specialty we consider it our privilege to serve educators like you. Our mission echoes these sentiments: To discover, develop and deliver innovative products, programs and services that help...
View ArticleRead to Remember
Reading is exercise for our mind, and professional brain athletes say it’s important to warm up before reading, and cool down afterward—just like with other exercises. Share the following exercises...
View ArticleRaising a Reader
There are many reasons why reading is important and just as many ways to teach your child to read. A method that works for one child may not work for the next. In order to find the right method you...
View ArticleThere’s “No Place Like Home” for School Specialty Customer Care!
Our customers and associates have spoken and we have listened! As of March 2016, School Specialty Customer Care is now fully back and operating in North America. Over the last few months, the Customer...
View Article10 Signs of Spring in School
Spring is in the air and if you are a teacher you can definitely start seeing the signs of the light at the end of the tunnel. 1. You have begun to notice a decline in you and your colleagues’...
View Article11 Ways to Show Teachers They’re Appreciated
Day after day, year after year, teachers do one of the most important jobs in our society: preparing the next generation for the future. Sadly, this job does not pay very well, but the men and women...
View ArticleStrategies for Upgrading Your Classroom on a Budget
Trying to create a warm and creative learning space on a budget isn’t as hard as one might think. With a little creativity, an imagination, and a little DIY, teachers can pull together a great looking...
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